BIM Culture

Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) is changing every aspect of project delivery.

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Leadership Tools: Quote: BIM is 10% technology and 90% sociology. Scott Simpson. Book: BIM and Construction Management by Brad Hardin and Dave McCool.

There is a lot of technology involved and many technical challenges.  But ultimately the biggest challenges are about talent:

  • Working collaboratively across functional areas and companies
  • Learning new things - constantly
  • Dealing with setbacks - constantly
  • Longer range project planning than is typical
  • Planning with a greater attention to detail than is typical
  • Designing for fabrication and installation with automation where possible 
  • Greater transparency across everyone on the whole project delivery team

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We spend a lot of time improving workflows at the project and company level.  A high-involvement approach is nearly always best and that requires breaking down a lot of walls while building a culture of collaboration and problem solving without blame. 

Schedule a call to learn more. 

Five Stages of Adult Behavior
The larger your team gets the more important it is to learn as much about talent development as you have learned about construction means and methods. These are not skills that can be delegated to someone in HR.
Discipline Vs. Motivation
Leadership requires a balance between motivation and discipline. These are two very different things and if you are relying on motivation to keep you going it is likely that you will come up short on long-term goals.
Cash Flow Tip 12 - Rapid Close-Out = Good Cash Flow
If you effectively manage the startup and the close-out of the project, then the execution in-between mostly takes care of itself.