Builder and Business Manager Integration

A successful and sustainably growing construction business has the right balance of builder and business manager skills on the team.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
  • There is a healthy respect between all team members for both sets of skills.
  • Team members are cross-trained on both sets of skills to make integration tighter, leading to better decisions.  
  • The organizational structure supports this integration and cross-training.  
  • There are training, coaching, and mentoring programs that leverage internal and external resources to develop both sets of skills.  

Key Business Management Skills Include:

  • Strategy and business planning
  • Financial and risk management
  • Process improvement tools and techniques
  • Opportunity and resource alignment for sustainable growth
  • Business development
  • Talent recruiting, development, and management
Leadership Tools: Builder and Business Manager: Development and Integration


How well does your business integrate builder and business manager skills?  

If you could improve only one area in the next year what would it be? 

Appearance and Experience of Management Control
As your career develops and you grow into roles of greater responsibility, one of the biggest challenges is what Jennifer Garvey Berger calls “The paradox of the appearance of increasing control and the experience of decreasing control.”
Succession Planning at All Levels
If a construction company is growing at 15% per year, then it will double in size about every five years. Therefore, in general, every position must be training at least two people that will be capable of succeeding them within five years.
ABC Communication for Clarity
The only valid measure of clear communication is whether the other person(s) understood it as it was meant to be understood. Clarity of communication is not about perfect grammar, format, or frequency though all those play a factor in understanding.