Business Operating System

Contractors must have a clear vision and goals for where they want to go.

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For example: Part of that goal might be to have at least a 30% market share on all higher-education construction within Georgia by 2025.  

Leadership Tools: Business Operating System (BOS)

Sitting in between all of these are the various meetings, tools, feedback systems, and decision-making processes that keep things on track.  

This is called the Business Operating System (BOS) and is very unique to all companies, evolving as the business scales. The Toyota Production System (TPS) is one such example.

It is the robustness of this layer of the business that determines how effectively the contractor will navigate each stage of growth.  

What are the key elements of your BOS, including people, meetings, feedback systems, and decision processes?  

Are these driving the results you want?  

Schedule some time to talk about your particular company. 

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If morale on your team is low then it’s probably your fault. Those words sound harsh but let’s unpack them a little bit and see if we can improve team morale.
Higher Scores Aren’t Always Better: Percent Planned Complete (PPC) Example
Construction is full of competitive personalities - more is always better. This is not always the case, and you must be careful when setting targets that your goals don't have unintended consequences. Percent Planned Complete (PPC) is a perfect example.
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