Changes and Cash Flow Improvement

Construction is a cash-intensive business and change orders are often one of the root causes of poor cash flow.

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A 30-day improvement to change management workflow can generate over $400K in additional cash flow for a $50M contractor.  

Change Management: Changes, how much cash flow improvement?

HOW? Look at every detail of the workflow.  

  • Could we have identified this any earlier? 
  • Could we have priced it and made a proposal any quicker?  

  • Could we have leveraged our customer relationships to get it processed any faster? 
  • How many of the T&M changes could we have quantified ahead of time to accelerate the process?

  • Could our backup information be any clearer so that processing moves faster?

  • Could our contractual terms have been improved to help?  

Changes and Cash Flow Improvement
Change orders are a fact of life in construction. Improve profitability, cash flow and customer satisfaction by effectively managing changes. Build a foundation for success with 12 steps to improve pricing and 11 negotiating strategies for the whole project team....

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Changes and Cash Flow Improvement
Change orders are a fact of life in construction. Improve profitability, cash flow and customer satisfaction by effectively managing changes. Build a foundation for success with 12 steps to improve pricing and 11 negotiating strategies for the whole project team....

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