Climbing the Mountain - Navigating the Stages of Contractor Growth

Navigating growth and changes in the market that contractors face every day requires keeping their teams aligned, starting with effective communication. "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb

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The construction industry is experiencing accelerated rates of change, along with increased project complexity, changing project delivery methods, and talent shortages

Climbing the Mountain: Quote: If you want to go fast, go alone, if want to go far, go together. African Proverb.

There are some industry sectors with an insatiable demand for construction over the next decade with significant capital pouring into both those markets and toward construction contractors. 

Contractors who are well-positioned in those markets are also navigating the many changes that come with growth in headcount and geographic expansion.

It is difficult for even the executive teams of contractors to always be in alignment about the direction they should lead in.  

Your teams will never be 100% in alignment as they are marching up the mountain, but the closer you can get them in alignment the better your team will perform. No matter how great your communication is, remember that with size comes a massive dilution of that message as it moves throughout the organization. You will have people all over the organization saying and thinking things across the full range:

  • We are almost there. I can see the top of the mountain - let's sprint to the top! 
  • The summit looks too far - we will never get there. :(
  • Why are we even climbing this stupid mountain? I'm tired and hungry.
  • I didn't know it was my job to bring food. 
  • I can't see the summit and feel lost. 
  • I think we are really close to the summit!!!! Often when they aren't even close to the summit. The Dunning-Kruger Effect


  • Do you have any idea where we are going? Often asked to the wrong people.


The truth is that even the top people are often only seeing part of the picture. There is usually another summit that only becomes visible once you have completed this leg of the journey. It is the role of the top leader to be out in front scouting the right path while also keeping the team together. 

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"If you want to go FAST, go ALONE. If you want to go FAR, go TOGETHER." - African Proverb


Looking at your company and team today:

  1. Where is your team at on the mountain? Lay out the individual people and identify which statements best fit where they are at. Ask them which statements they most identify with knowing that most people want to consider themselves at the top of the mountain - or at least not lost. Build trust in your team to where these get brought to the surface quickly. 
  2. Where are you at? This requires taking an objective look in the mirror plus bringing in your close friends and trusted advisors who will give it to you straight. Know that they must be comfortably looking at the situation from a higher level to bring perspective on your position and path. 


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