Definition - Certification

The Verified Ability to do something (skill) to meet a certain level of performance (standard / competency).

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Definition - Certification
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Definition - Certification
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Definition - Competency
The ability to do something (skill) at a certain level of performance (standard). A Skill Performed to Standard.
Accountability Prerequisites
Accountability in a job role is critical for contractors to grow. Accountability without clarity, capability, and capacity only leads to stress, lower performance, and higher risk over time.
Definition - SITREP (Situation Report)
A standardized report originated in the military to provide a concise, clear update on the current situation, typically in a combat environment. The principles can be applied to projects and construction businesses.