Definition - Skill
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Definition - Skill
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Definition - Aptitude
The inborn Potential to do something (skill) to a certain level (competency) to achieve something (capability).
Aligning Projects and People
The business of building is largely about aligning projects and people. Contractors exist to build projects. People design and build the projects. The management team, structure, and systems bring it all together.
Org Structure Planning (Current State)
Taking an objective look at your current-state organizational structure and the people in each role forms the foundation for your recruiting, development, and business planning.