Definition - Training

The process of Increasing the knowledge and skills of someone, typically shorter-term and in the context of being able to perform in their current role at a competency level that meets standards.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture


Training the RFI process including specific application and tools used at ABC Construction for everyone on the Project Management and Field Management team.

Definition - Training
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Definition - Training
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Aligning Career and Company Trajectories
Alignment of the people and job roles within a contracting business is what creates the synergies (1+1=3). Alignment of career and business trajectories is what makes both sustainable.
Not All Growth is Visible Above the Surface
Deep roots equal strong trees, and the same is true for strong people. Those roots include relationships and skills that are largely invisible for years while they are being built. Like an iceberg, there is always a lot more going on under the surface.
Resource - Stratified Systems Theory (SST) and Timespan 101
All contractors navigate through very predictable stages of growth, delivering larger and more complex projects. Business complexity evolves requiring different capabilities at all levels. Tom Foster lays out some of these key differences very clearly.