Good or Bad is Just Perception

“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” - William Shakespeare

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Leadership Tools: Good or Bad is Just Perception.

It’s too easy to frame things that happen as good or bad.  Try to frame things simply as events and accept that you can choose to perceive them however you want.  

  • We know that physically we can’t get stronger or gain more endurance without pushing ourselves to failure then allowing ourselves time to rest and grow.
  • We know that most great successes are born out of failure.  
  • We know that the process of troubleshooting something usually requires several failed attempts.
  • We know that the process of building something new requires experimentation and failure.
  • We know that the first attempts at a process improvement will likely fail.
  • We know that it is a lot more enjoyable and productive to go through life with a positive attitude.
  • We know that attitudes are contagious.

So, with all those things that we know why don’t we look at everything we currently perceive as ‘bad’ or a ‘failure’ as just one step closer to winning?

How would that shift our thinking?  

Jocko Willink - ‘GOOD’ 

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