Quote about Winning - Bob Knight

There is an excitement about winning and definitely a need to instill that vision and passion in your team.

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This is the tip of the pyramid and the guiding light.  

Quote: Most people have the will to win. Fe have the will to prepare to win. Bob Knight. Book: The Power of Negative Thinking by Bob Knight.

As Jack Stack describes in “The Great Game of Business” one thing that EVERYONE agrees on is that given a choice between winning and losing everyone chooses winning.  

This however is just the top of the mountain and reaching the summit is momentary

  • It’s the team’s ability to climb up the mountain making daily progress that guarantees continuous success.  
  • It’s the team’s stamina to continue forward making daily progress for years towards the summit.
  • It’s the team’s problem solving and critical thinking skills that help deal with the inevitable setbacks that will occur along the way.  

Do you love the daily climb up the mountain or are you only focused on the end goal?  

Loving the discipline of the daily climb is the only thing that will give you lasting joy and success.

Culturally we seem to have shifted to momentary pleasures rather than the deep joy that comes from accomplishment.  It’s good to look at all perspectives on leadership styles so we can learn a lot from Bob Knight.  

6 Daily Questions to Ask Yourself

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