Support Your Team Always

Everything truly important to the long-term success of a contractor comes down to building a strong team with a culture that supports each other; no matter what.

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Great leaders unite a team together and elevate everyone further and faster than they could imagine.  Great leaders push themselves to their limits inspiring others to do the same.

Leadership Tools: Support Your Team. Quote: Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. Michael Jordan.

Leadership is not a single person and winning is never about a single person.  Consider the NBA Finals, Game 5 in 1997 where Michael Jordan played with the flu.   

  • It took years of rigorous practice and many failures for Jordan to build his own capacity to play at that level through that level of fatigue.  
  • It took the Relentless approach of one of his many trainers; Tim Grover.  
  • It took his coach Phil Jackson bringing the team together through thousands of hours of deliberate practice. 
  • It took the support of the whole team - players, coaches, support and leadership.

Build a culture of true teamwork then build the talent through deliberate practice and you will build an unstoppable contractor. 

Contact us to learn more about how we accelerate construction teams

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