Talent vs. Tools - Talented People Creating Value

Contractors are faced with more choices in tools than ever thanks to technology.

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Leadership Tools: It is only talented people that can create value. Tools, Equipment, and Technology can only enhance what talented people do.

With so many choices it is easy to fall into one of three traps:

  1. Analysis paralysis - too many choices; too many variables and unclear differentiators of value.    
  2. Jumping around constantly going after the next new tool that promises more (or different) value.
  3. Allowing too many people to make individual choices will leave you with a hodgepodge of tools making consistent training or integration impossible.  

It is important to remember that it is people who create value; tools only enhance what people can do.  Ensure that you are making investments in process, training and coaching at both the individual and team levels to get the best return on your investment in tools. 

“The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency.”

Bill Gates

ENR - Making Construction Innovation Stick

An experienced 3rd party can bring valuable perspective and specialized skills to help you choose, implement and integrate your tools more effectively. 

Schedule a call to learn more about our approach with construction technology. 

Our Promises
We love the construction industry. We believe in aggressive business and talent development balanced with conservative operations and financial management. We make six promises to the industry, to our clients, to each other, and to ourselves:
Focused Resources = Maximum Results
Contracting is a relatively low-margin and high-risk business. Contractors can’t afford to spread out their resources on projects or in their businesses. Leaders must put maximum resources behind their biggest bottlenecks or opportunities.
Field Productivity Grand Slam
When contractors are truly successful at improving their field productivity it is like Mickey Mantle’s pivotal Grand Slam during game 5 of the 1953 World Series. The bases are loaded. You are at bat. The Big Four productivity home runs: