The Best Choice

Whether it is a decision about your best strategy or the best production plan on a project learning how to make effective choices is critical.

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Leadership Tools: The Best Choice is the one you make, the one you commit to, and the one you learn from.

If you have involved a good team then reasonably debated the options and the choice is still not clear then the best decision is usually to just decide.  

Accountability + Compensation: The Myths and Realities
No amount of accountability or compensation will create the competencies and capabilities required to deliver results. If your results are falling short, make sure that you are diagnosing the root cause correctly so you can design the best solution.
The Role of Key Subcontractors and Vendors in the Preconstruction Process
Subcontractors and vendors are positioned to add a lot of value during the preconstruction phase. Unfortunately few of them actually deliver that value. Learn why and what to do about it.
Four Steps to Sustainable Growth (10+10=0)
Growing contractors face an overwhelming number of problems and opportunities as they move through the different stages of growth. Prioritizing these, aligning the team, then executing becomes progressively more difficult and important.