The Best Contracting Methods for Preconstruction Services

Moving seamlessly from preconstruction to construction requires solid contractual documents modified to fit your particular project and structure.

Raymond Braswell Profile Picture
Contributors David Brown

Spell Out Responsibilities and Scope Including:

  • Your fee and structure
  • Owner responsibility to respond quickly including making decisions
  • Architect's responsibility to meet their design milestones
  • Rolling directly into a construction contract with those terms already defined

Remember that your objective is to move from Preconstruction Services into a Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) contract.  


There are many nuances and modifications to the standard contracts from AIA or Consensus Docs to suit your specific project and preconstruction needs.  Please schedule some time to talk with Raymond about your specific situation and contract documents.  


Learn more about building Advanced Preconstruction Services and Business Development capabilities along with other General Contractor Solutions for profitable growth in all economic conditions.   

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The Best Contracting Methods for Preconstruction Services
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