Productivity depends on having the right materials at the right time and for the right price. The impact of a contractor's purchasing systems, both good and bad, is compounded by supply chain problems.
procurement purchasingThe process of creating new business opportunities through targeted networking, education, and awareness-building activities.
business development definitions market strategyLonger-term refinement of someone’s current capabilities Towards Mastery while preparing them for future roles and the ideal Career Path for them.
definitions Organizational Development TalentThe process of Increasing the knowledge and skills of someone, typically shorter-term and in the context of being able to perform in their current role at a competency level that meets standards.
definitions Organizational Development talent development Talent Value Stream (TVS)How Much of something (capability) a person, team, or company handle. Consider this in ranges of comfortable (sustainable) and peak (sprints).
business management business planning definitions Organizational Development talent development Talent Value Stream (TVS)A team or company’s combination of skills, competencies, knowledge, processes, tools, and behaviors that allows them to Carry Out particular activities or achieve certain goals. Capabilities create the outcomes that customers are paying for.
business management business planning Definitions Organizational Development strategy talent development Talent Value Stream (TVS)The Verified Ability to do something (skill) to meet a certain level of performance (standard / competency).
definitions Organizational Development Recruiting talent development Talent Value Stream (TVS)The ability to do something (skill) at a certain level of performance (standard). A Skill Performed to Standard.
definitions Organizational Development Recruiting talent development Talent Value Stream (TVS)Strong feeling of Wanting something.
Definitions Organizational Development Recruiting talent development Talent Value Stream (TVS)Level of Performance required. May relate to a job role (person), team, company, materials, equipment, facility, etc. Required by business model as part of achieving strategic objectives.
Definitions Organizational Development Recruiting Talent Development Talent Value Stream (TVS)