While there is no "Perfect Signage" about the growth inflection points that contractors must navigate through, these eight questions can help you evaluate where you are at.
business planning Organizational Development strategy sustainable growthThere are thousands of details to get right while building a successful construction project, business, or career. Clarity around the basics of what we are building, why we are building it, and how we will behave and decide along the way is crucial.
leadership mission strategy values visionStrategic choices at all levels including company, market(s), operational excellence, and organizational development are the most highly leveraged decisions made by construction business leaders. Those choices start with five interlinked questions.
strategyAsking the right strategic questions will ensure profitable growth in all economic conditions. Daily operational management is about adapting to what is currently true. Effective executive leadership creatively bridges the gap between the two.
business planning leadership strategyKnowledge Management is a complex topic and the contractors who learn to manage it the best will have an edge in the market. There are several models that can help you visualize the differences between different types of “knowledge” in your organization.
business management strategy talentConstruction companies require strong foundations just like the projects they build. Like a building the larger it will be the stronger the foundation must be. How strong is your business foundation?
strategy structure sustainable growthAvailable talent, capital, and work in the market are the basic constraints every contractor must work within. Understanding and managing all three better each year is the foundation of sustainable growth.
business development business management capital strategy talentDecision quality IS NOT linearly related to information quantity. In complex environments with elements of uncertainty, data quantity quickly reaches a point of diminishing returns but increases decision confidence, which puts you into the danger zone.
business management strategy talentContracting is a relatively low-margin and high-risk business. Contractors can’t afford to spread out their resources on projects or in their businesses. Leaders must put maximum resources behind their biggest bottlenecks or opportunities.
business management strategy talentAs a contractor navigates the different stages of growth, the complexity of their business model evolves, including their organizational structure, management systems, and people. Seeing this model visually helps identify bottlenecks and constraints.
business management business planning strategy