Defining what you want in quantifiable outcomes is extremely difficult. It's 10X harder to define those outcomes throughout the whole company from field to CEO. Defining the leading activities that create those outcomes is another 10X more difficult.
business management metricsThe contractors that dominate tomorrow’s market will be those that have built strong capabilities for identifying opportunities or problems and then rapidly making lasting changes throughout the organization.
business management change management leadership market strategyThere are multiple dimensions of talent including personality traits, IQ, EQ, desire, knowledge and experience. One of the critical dimensions is what Elliott Jaques called “Time Span of Discretion” which is essentially a combination of:
“There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.” - William Shakespeare It’s too easy to frame things that happen as good or bad. Try to frame things simply as events and accept that you can choose to perceive them however you want.
Construction is the most complex TEAM sport there is and the teams that work best together win. It is that simple. The contractors who know how to develop the best teams are thriving in all market conditions including the shortage of construction talent.
Organizational Development OrgDev Talent Talent Value Stream (TVS) TeamAchieving maximum performance from yourself and your team requires understanding the stress-performance curve as it relates both to individuals and types of work.
business managementWhat differentiates contractors is their ability to execute basic strategies consistently. Effective execution comes down to people, process and tools - in that order.
Few things will improve operational execution for contractors faster than a rigorous project review and projection process. Projections are really just continuous planning, learning, refining and adjusting.
project managementMore construction technology integrations FAIL to meet expectations due to alignment with the talent than the capabilities of the technology. If we looked at talent and technology the same way we look at equipment we would achieve a much better return.
The ultimate measure of a leader is how well their business unit performs AFTER they are gone. With the construction industry talent shortages leaders must focus on building other leaders at an accelerated rate just to maintain market position.