Deep roots equal strong trees, and the same is true for strong people. Those roots include relationships and skills that are largely invisible for years while they are being built. Like an iceberg, there is always a lot more going on under the surface.
Understanding human motivation is critical for all levels of management and leadership, starting with managing ourselves. There is no single "Perfect Model" defining what motivates every person but there are some great models to help our understanding.
The process of Increasing the knowledge and skills of someone, typically shorter-term and in the context of being able to perform in their current role at a competency level that meets standards.
A team or company’s combination of skills, competencies, knowledge, processes, tools, and behaviors that allows them to Carry Out particular activities or achieve certain goals. Capabilities create the outcomes that customers are paying for.
The Ability to do something. Sometimes combined with performing to a certain level (standard / competency) and possibly the verification of that performance (certification).