Cash Flow Tip 13 - Projecting Cash Flow and Driving Awareness

Projecting Cash Flow drives awareness, learning, actions and, ultimately, improved cash flow.

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Cash Flow: Tip 13 Projecting Cash Flow - Driving Awareness

“In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable.”

- Dwight D. Eisenhower

This is true whether it is planning for project execution or planning out your cash flow on the project.  

What would it be worth to you to get 17% more out of your capital AND your field productivity?  

Cash Flow Tip 13 - Projecting Cash Flow and Driving Awareness
Great cash flow is a key driver of valuation and successful successions. Running out of cash is is the #1 reason contractors fail. Improving cash flow improves your Return on Equity. Protect yourself and never let cash flow be the limitation to your profitable growth....

Cash Flow Tip 13 - Projecting Cash Flow and Driving Awareness
Great cash flow is a key driver of valuation and successful successions. Running out of cash is is the #1 reason contractors fail. Improving cash flow improves your Return on Equity. Protect yourself and never let cash flow be the limitation to your profitable growth....

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