Construction Robots and Capital

Dominance and even survival in the construction industry over the next decade will require a more intense focus on technology, capital and the talent that knows how to leverage both.

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All industries throughout history that have had any sort of technology disruption including standardization such as the shipping container have also faced major shifts in focus from front-line labor to capital, engineering and management.

Quote: The wealthiest man in the twentieth century mastered the art of minimum-wage employees. The wealthiest man of the twenty-first century is mastering the science of zero-wage robots selling you stuff." Scott Galloway.

Leader of construction companies need to learn from the past and plan for their futures.  Some good places to start:

ENR / Robotics - see what’s currently going on in our industry.

Tesla’s Model 3 Factory - they pushed for total automation and were a little ahead of the curve.  They had to un-automate some things - but it is better than being behind the curve. 

The Box - how hard front-line labor can fight back against change.

The Future of Leadership: Rise of Automation, Robotics and Artificial Intelligence 

The Rise of the Robots - how a futurist sees this playing out.

The Four - major tech companies and their models.

The Everything Store - Amazon’s business practices are worth looking at along with their technology 

We help contractors build stronger businesses for the next generation by leveraging talent, technology and transparency through alignment and transparency.

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Cascading Goal Setting and Management (Objectives and Key Results - OKRs)
Successful outcomes begin with goals being integrated across all parts of a construction business, including multi-company project teams. Management is what ultimately ensures these goals are regularly reviewed and adjusted to stay on track.
Impacted Productivity - Five Elements of Making a Good Case
Contractors are continually faced with costly impacts to their labor productivity and schedule with many beyond their direct control. The best Project Managers know how to identify, communicate, and mitigate these impacts.
Contractor Growth Cycles and Decision Points
As contractors grow, they must make decisions and changes around five key areas. At these decision points, they may be experiencing some or all of the eight typical symptoms including stress, customer complaints, and inconsistent growth.