Delivering Advanced Preconstruction Services

The project delivery process is rapidly changing driven by more complex building designs, tighter schedules, more integrated supply chains, and virtual construction technologies.

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With all those changes and additional demands, the one constant is that the project needs to pencil out in terms of cash flow for financing.

Preconstruction Weekly Design Meetings.

Delivering Advanced Preconstruction Services is about more than providing estimates throughout the design development process. It is about leading the entire team, including the project owner, architect, key specialty contractors, and key suppliers through a rigorous process, ensuring that budget is maintained along with critical project features.

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Collections and Retention Trend Metric
Assuming that a contractor’s project team has done an effective job of aggressively billing the project, the biggest variable that remains for cash flow is the effectiveness of collections.
6 Progressive Levels of Standards Development
Standards progress through six basic levels as a contractor grows based on impact, frequency, and quantity of different people doing them. Optimum outcomes including scalability are based on choosing the right level - higher is not always better.
Uncomfortably Exciting - Being a S.M.A.R.T. Leader
Managers must set goals that are S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time Bound. Leaders must be stretching their teams toward objectives are beyond what anyone believes they can achieve.