Jennifer Blackwood - Difficult People

Ultimately there is exactly one person on this planet who you have 100% control over - YOU!

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The best way to work effectively with difficult people is to look within and figure out what you need to do to make the relationship less difficult; then do it!  

Quote: If there are one or two difficult people in your life; they might just be difficult people. If there are three or more difficult people in your life; you might be the difficult person. Jennifer Blackwood

As Jocko Willink would suggest - take “Extreme Ownership” of the relationship.  Do what you have to do in order to make it work smoother.  

As Bruce Lee would suggest - “Become like water my friend.” 

Doing the hard work of changing yourself will change the relationship and change the other person in a positive direction; most of the time.  

There will be times in your life when you are unable to make a difficult relationship work and that is OK.  Just make sure that you only dismiss others as being difficult as an absolute last resort after you have used every tool you have multiple times.  Make sure that you learn something about yourself in the process.  

Jennifer Blackwood reminds us why we should not be so quick to dismiss others as the difficult ones.  

“If there are one or two difficult people in your life; they might just be difficult people.  If there are three or more difficult people in your life; you might be the difficult person.”

Jennifer Blackwood

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