Learn from the Wisdom in the Lessons of History

“Fortune favors the prepared mind.” - Louis Pasteur

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Leadership Tools COVID-19: Learn from the wisdom in the lessons of history. Graph representing the Great Recession 2007-2008

How much time do you and your team spend exploring the broader context of our world?  

How much time do you and your team spend sharing this information and deeply discussing the trends, threats, mitigation, and opportunities presented?  

Have you looked at the last recession and how your company got through it?  

  • The overall industry employment fell by 28%. Did you do better or worse in terms of revenue, headcount, and profits? 
  • Remember that averages only tell part of the story.    
  • Many of our clients prepared well and grew through the recession.  

What would you do differently next time to prepare?  

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