Personal Development (Batman vs Superman)

Contractors must develop management talent.

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Management talent must be developed at an unprecedented rate and those that master this process will dominate the next 15 years.

Leadership Tools: Personal Development. How do you think? How do you act?

Tim Harris works with many of our clients helping them position their companies to better recruit and retain talent. Tim pointed out that talent development really comes down to Superman vs. Batman.  

Superman was born with great powers and found a way to put them to use.  

Batman was an ordinary person with an extraordinary problem to solve. He sought out the best training around the world and practiced relentlessly until he became the person that could solve the problem.   

A major thought change that needs to occur is whether talent is born or built. It is more comfortable and far simpler to just accept that someone is either born with it or not. The truth is that no one was born an electrician, plumber, architect, project manager or CEO. We were all built through our environment and we can all continue to be built through disciplined practice.  

How do you think about talent development? How do you think about your own development?  


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