Words of Wisdom for Leading Growth

Develop a clear market strategy and set guiding principles that creates value for your customers and your business.

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Nurture and promote those on your team that take initiative to aggressively execute that strategy while relentlessly following up on the details.  

Words of Wisdom for Leading Growth: Quotes by Peter Drucker, Jack Stack, Harrington Emerson, Retired General Jim Mattis, and Retired Admiral Hyman G. Rickover.

Words of wisdom from two business leaders, two military leaders, and one leading business consultant.

  1. Market strategy and serving the customer - Peter Drucker
  2. Creating value for your business to make it sustainable - Jack Stack
  3. Developing the core principles that will get you there - Ray Dalio
  4. Taking initiative and working aggressively toward “Commander’s Intent” - General Mattis
  5. Details matter on projects, in business, and in life. Writing clarifies details. - Admiral Rickover 

Keep this wisdom top-of-mind while reflecting on the right priorities and focus to lead your business through each stage of growth.     

Leadership and Management of Details
Building a great contracting business requires the right balance of leadership and management. While it is possible to separate them the truth is that many of the top leaders are relentlessly disciplined managers.
Contractor Profiles in Recession Management
3X your profitability during a recession. Look at how you performed during the last recession then evaluate your current readiness and plan your next steps.
Balancing Modes of Prioritization and Career Progression
If your workload prioritization seems impossible, try looking at it from a higher-level of prioritization. We all must prioritize in life and at work. Our outcomes are heavily impacted by how effective we are at prioritization.