Retirement Onboarding - Future Vision for Your Company

Owners have a unique position in their companies.

Sue Weiler-Doke Profile Picture
Contributors David Brown Profile PictureDavid Brown

They have both the luxury and the responsibility of making sure that their vision for the company is the future vision of the company. Vision is really all about the culture of the company and how that is applied to the work in the future. In order to accomplish this, an owner needs to think in this order: People first, Process second, and Technology third.

People are the basis for every good company. It is the people that live the culture of the company. It is the people that truly bring the company’s values to life.

At all levels of the organization, effective succession planning is vital to moving the company forward into a future vision. Owners need to have frequent honest and open communication with the leadership team, the management team, and every member of the team about where the company is headed. Owner transparency builds trust. Owner transparency also puts into practice the culture and values that the company embraces.

The future vision of a company is implemented by the leaders of that day. Having the right people in the right place at the right time will make all the difference in the world.

This is Part 9 of a 15-Part Series

Topics Covered in the Series Include:

  • Success and Risk
  • Transferring Your Knowledge to the Team
  • Communicating Family Succession
  • The Construction Retirement Masterpiece
  • The Ideal Lifestyle for the Retiring Contractor

Interested in learning more? Contact us.

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